Remember, a popular treatment may not always be a life saving and evidence based treatment. You will be shocked to know that the popular treatment for cancer (chemotherapy/ radiation/ surgery) causes cancer.
Diabetes medication causes the progression of diabetes and increased risk of mortality. Similarly, there is no evidence that the presently recommended medicines (paracetamol, remdesevir, hydroxychloroquine etc) for Flu/COVID-19/ can help a person reduce the number of days of suffering or mortality however there is a clear evidence that it causes increased risk of permanent damage including neurological damage and death.
So before you start your next treatment ask the doctor- 'Is there any evidence that by taking this treatment I will be able to improve the quality of life or increase my lifespan?
Otherwise, go for Naturopathy where Mother-Nature heals us with no side effect.
We've decided to run a Campaign named Satvik Movement, where the qualified Naturopathic Doctors prescribe Food as Medicine in the form of a PERSONALIZED NATURAL DIET PLAN (PNDP).
Satvik Movement is a health education platform, formed with an aim to bring man close to Mother Nature. Following the Satvik lifestyle empowers you to become your own doctor simply by changing your food & lifestyle.
So Reverse Your Lifestyle Diseases with Food-Medicines here!